The high-quality materials provide for absolute longevity and thus to completely satisfied customers, to which naturally also the pronounced know-how of the coworkers contributes its part.
The team of experienced employees who are active in equestrian sports supports the development of new products at the highest standard. This expertise makes it possible to successfully satisfy the needs of riders all over the world with Kavalkade's well-thought-out and appealing products. At the same time, the company shines with an excellent price-performance ratio and convinces with outstanding quality, appealing comfort and ideal fit. The affordable price does not detract from the high quality of the products. In the assortment of Kavalkade are next to girths of different materials and for the most different disciplines among other things stirrup leathers, bridles and accessories for the daily stable need to find.
The family-owned company Kavalkade, based in the horse town of Warendorf, provides thoughtful, stylish and highly functional products for absolute enrichment among horse and rider – a brand that has become an indispensable part of the equestrian scene.