The blanket also relieves tension and pain of horses. In the meantime, the therapy blanket in the brand-typical blue color enjoys great popularity among equestrians, who can also benefit from the company's well-thought-out products. Because not only for horses, but also for real wellness feeling among riders provides the brand Accuhorsemat and guarantees when using the acupressure blanket reduction of stress and relief of muscle tension.
In general, acupressure promotes blood circulation and thus achieves better regeneration of the treated muscle groups, which is why the blanket can serve as an ideal support after training. But also before riding, tense horses can be loosened by the up to 11,000 spikes, which are attached to the acupressure points of the blanket. In addition, the use of the acupressure mat releases endorphins, which promote natural pain relief and absolute well-being.
The company Accuhorsemat provides must-have products that are thought out to the last detail, which shine with an outstanding price-performance ratio and provide deep relaxation and loose muscles for horse and rider.